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LIST - Foresees into force, always the latest list released which cancels the previous.

PRICES - prices foresee the goods delivered ex at our head office. VAT excluded. Packaging included. Freight and transport risks are borne by the buyer. VAT is not included in the price list and it is borne entirely by the buyer.

ORDERS - For commercial and administrative reasons, we will not carry out orders with a net amount lower than EURO 200,00 on Italian territory and EURO 500,00 or of equal similar value, in other countries. Notwithstanding in the above, NOLOGO SRL reserves the right to carry out orders also bearing lower amounts, as long as they total in the commercial month, the minimum amount invoiced, subject to agreement and evaluation on behalf of our commercial office, we will also carry out lower order amounts.

SHIPPING - Excluding different client indications and shipping of the goods, shipping will be carried out by means of courier agreed upon with NOLOGO SRL, who will charge the relative amount in the invoice. When the order is placed it will be possible with NOLOGO SRL to agree upon a different courier, always at the clients charge, or direct collection of the goods, at NOLOGO SRL head office in Villa Cortese MI. The goods travel at the clients own risk. From the time in which the goods have been correctly handed over in departure from NOLOGO SRL to the carrier, any theft, loss or deterioration of the goods do not remove the obligation on behalf of the client of the payment of the price. Excluding precise request on behalf of the client, at its risk, the goods are not covered by insurance policies.

CLAIMS - Any claims must be presented within 8 days from the date of delivery of the goods by means of the specific MDR form undersigned by the client and attached to the delivery documentation. In any case, no rendering of goods will be permitted without prior approval by means of a specific form drawn up by NOLOGO SRL. If the goods prove to be damaged, the client who reports, promptly the defects, within limit and within the guarantee period, will have the right to replacement of the goods, subject to the replacement of the damaged product at the head office of NOLOGO SRL. Claims related to breakage or error must be made directly to the carrier at the moment of delivery. No claims, of any kind and in any case raised, can give the right to the suspension of the payment terms, which must be however made entirely on non-contested parts.

DELIVERY TERMS - our expected delivery terms are indicative and not binding. Any delays will not give the right to the client to reject/refuse the delivery of the product or to request reimbursement for damages. NOLOGO SRL is free from any goods delivery obligation when there are reasons beyond their control that prevent the delivery of the goods and are not caused directly by NOLOGO SRL.

PAYMENTS -The lack of payment within the established terms will accrue late payment interest in accordance with current bank rates, as well as the suspension of the delivery without any forewarning. The lack of respect on payment deadlines will implicate the immediate forfeiture of the benefit of the term. NOLOGO SRL shall demand immediate payment of all and any other outstanding payments even if they are not yet accrued. It is understood that the goods remain our property until the outstanding payment has been met. Formal notice will be made to whomever proposes themselves as NOLOGO SRL sellers or representatives without explicit authorization, to insert into reproduction catalogues (photos and/or drawings) of NOLOGO SRL products or, even if authorisation has been granted, to reproduce said artefacts with a confusion affect with the products made by the production company.

RESPONSIBILITY - every supply order implicates a complete agreement on behalf of the buyer on all the items of the sales conditions here established. The buyer recognises therefore that all the items here listed come from a reciprocal agreement and are established within a reciprocal interest that assists the purchasing contract. The sales instruments of which product data sheet, price list etc. are granted of free will to the operators however remaining the property of NOLOGO SRL. Operators must maintain and use of said sales instruments observing the rules of commercial correctness, good technique and safety when installing.

GUARANTEE - All NOLOGO SRL products are carefully checked and tested. The guarantee lasts 24 months from the date of shipping. Guarantee means repairs and replacement, at our head office, of the parts recognised as faulty during manufacturing according to our unquestionable judgement. All contested materials must be sent to our head office carriage free. For returned goods, on which the guarantee is not recognised, NOLOGO SRL will replace the faulty parts in exchange for the cost of the reparation . The Tampering of materials will render the guarantee void. Installation of the material must be carried out by expert personnel according to the current standards.

COURT OF JURISDICTION - For any litigation the only competent court is that of Milan.

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